Sweet Dreams
Zzzzzz.. Zz. ZZZ... ZZzzz
Hey, sorry to wake you but I have some important questions to ask. Last night when you were saying your prayers and you got to the part where you were praying for your future soulmate, did you envision this person as someone you've never met/seen before, or is it someone that you already know? I only ask because I envision both types too, it really just depends on: the day I'm having, the songs I listen to, the movies I watch, and the thoughts I have imagining you. … But when you're envisioning this soulmate that you know and believe that the Lord has made specifical just for you, do you feel that this person will be everything that you prayed for? And more? … I pray you’re as wise as your mother’s mother’s mother would want you to be too. This way you can easily decern between needs and wants. You know what you need, and you know what you want. You read Psalm 37: 4, and you read Philippians 4: 19. That’s why you pray and hope that I’m equally yoked. I just hope and pray that you’re my last 21 verses of Proverbs. … But which one of us is going to put our pride aside first? Or will we just continue to wait on God’s timing like we’ve done our whole lives. … Honestly, I would love to act first right now, but you see, … I'm still inflicted by this society we live in. Do you know how hard I'm working to impress: You, these people at my job, my mama n nem, and hopefully the culture? I feel like I still need to accomplish more goals before I can approach you, and ask, “Hey, do you wanna go and get some ice cream with me sometime?”. Meanwhile, you’re also working on yourself just as much, which I applaud. But, the only difference is the fact that you like to show everyone what you’ve been working on every time “It's 7pm Friday. 95 degrees. [You] ain't got no …" well, you know the rest of the song, but the point I'm trying to make here is the fact that we are both still very human. And this is why I stress the importance of potential. Fortunately for you, no matter what stage of life you are in, I'll always be able to see the potential in you. Although I already perceive you to be this close to perfect human being, I still know that you'll always be able to become better, which truly fascinates me. I could never get tired or grow weary of you in this sense. Do you understand? … Now with that, potential can also be catastrophic, just like these storms brewing up out here in the gulf. Potential sometimes creates expectations, some of which may never be met. But once again, you know what you need, and you know what you want. You know that we still have the “potential” to be: everything? or nothing at all?, best friends? or just friends?, mere imagination to one another? or … actual soulmates?? … I don't know, but you still look half asleep and are barely comprehending anything I'm telling you right now. So I'll just wait until you wake you up, and don’t worry, I can wait. I’m one of the most patient people in the world according to all my friends. Well, in one regard I might be, but we’ll talk about that another time. 
Sweet dreams Love … 

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